March 28, 2009

My Earth, GBI Issues & Gurus

Earth Hour

Today, 28th of March, all over the world will be participating to lights off lamp and electrical appliances as a sign of support towards the campaign for VOTE for EARTH, 60 Earth Hour… so in supporting towards this campaign, people around the globe being asked to switching off your lights on SATURDAY, 28 MARCH 2009 for one hour from 8.30 – 9.30 pm… so just now I manage to switch off all the light in my living room… I don’t know about other people rooms since I don’t want to be so nosy to interfere other people matters… hehehhee… so as people who lived in this earth and want to protect it from global warning I’m glad I’m able to contribute and show support towards this campaign… like my YM status, “Jom Tutup Lampu!!!”

GBI Thingy
Alhamdullilah finally my GBI is finished and my lecturer is happy with it… However some modifications need to be done on development of telecommunications in Malaysia… need to represent it in more suitable graphical presentation… Overall glad that he’s happy with my work… The hardness all this while has been paid off… thank you to the Almighty…

Financial and Investment Gurus

Finally I’ve made my decision… Right from Joel Greenbaltt to Peter Lynch… However this Lynch does not related towards Merill-Lynch owners… The reason I changed my gurus since I find it quite difficult to understand Greenbaltt’s formula on “Magic Investing”… With this I’ve to decide and pick Lynch as my new financial and investment gurus… So far alhamdullilah I’ve finish on the report and now started doing the presentation slide… Glad that my gurus assignment finally come towards the end before this coming 1st April for presentation session… Hope everything’s when well, insyaAllah…


Nina Suria said...

salam ahada, kabare?? Akk baru dpt bekalan oxygen :D

btw malam tu kita switch-off soma lampu, bila tengok kat luar, jiran2 soma masih bermandi cahaya.. kita jer yg bergelap :((

Ahada Aihara said...

salam kak nina...
hehehehhe sihat...

akak baru dapat bekalan?
ahada dah habis stock la...
rindu la dengan akak...