October 14, 2016

[YLP ICT: Part 18] Sayonara Okinawa –>Tokyo --> Japan

It was our last day in the land of Japan...
Most of us had a mixed feelings...
We're eager to go home despite the fact we're quite sad to leave Okinawa...
I'm myself wake up a bit early...
Although I did pack my bag on my last night but I just would like to stroll along the shop lots near Solvita...
My favorite would be the convenient store beside the hotel, Family Mart...
I love to shop at any convenient shop at Japan be it Family Mart, Lawson or even 7 Eleven...
These shop really spell out by what it mean by convenient store...

Will be updated soon...

P/s: Courtesy pictures to all my YLP-ICT batchmate. Arigatou! (Will update soon)

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