October 13, 2016

[YLP ICT: Part 17] Workshop Presentation and Closing Ceremony

Workshop Presentation

Before the presentation start, we take an opportunity to take official photo as we the ladies use our Kurung...
Then we headed to the workshop room and prepared for our presentation...
Our workshop presentation will be based on what we have been proposed during our workshop which being conducted by Mori-san...
There were three presentation which being divided by the group that were Himawari-X, Shogun and Sakura...
During this presentation, there were representative that consists of JICA; our main sponsor, Fujitsu; members from Okinawa Town-hall...
My group was a second group to the workshop presentation...
Azrin-san lead the presentation while others were also present at the front...
I was in-charge in handling the slides...
The best part was when Azrin-san bring out his "Tokyu Hands" that eventually bring all the class into a laughter...
For your information, Tokyu Hands were widely used in Japan especially when they're explaining something i.e. lecturing...
Actually Tokyu-hands in particular has its own story...
Then while going on for our Tokyo Evening Tour, Uran-san, our tourist guide using it as a tools to make us identify where she is...
At the tip of Tokyu-hands, she do tie a cute bear...
From that moments, Sore-san was interested in getting it and so does Azrin-san...

In the end, most of guest were satisfied with our proposal that have been presented...
We do get lots of positive feedback as well as a critique that do initiate us to be alert on challenges that will occur in the future...
Ideally all the proposal were much benefited to the country however there will be a lot of challenge that need to be faced before you can actually get what you have been proposed...
Personally I do enjoy the session and deep down my heart I do wish that whatever we do proposed will somehow take into account...

Evaluation Session

After came back from our lunch session, we need to be back at the workshop room and be ready for evaluation session...
This is something new to me and most of my friends...
Normally here (in Malaysia), we only required to fill the evaluation form after we do finished any course...
However its quite different culture in Japan...
We have been asked to fill the form after completed all the visits and workshop sessions...
Then our coordinator, Sajima-san and Yasumura-san will compiled the evaluation forms and summarize it...
During this session, there will be presenting the feedback that have been gathered from us and we do discuss about it...
It such a good session since we're been able to disclose whatever we felt throughout our course and so do they...

Closing Ceremony

Our closing ceremony started around 1500...
After all of us be present at the OIC board room, slowly all the representation from OIC, JICA; Fujitsu Learning Media, Okinawa; Okinawa Town-hall; programme officer, Takano-san; coordinator, Yasumura-san; course leader, Sajima-san; takes their place...
It just like our opening ceremony except there few people from Fujitsu Tokyo were not present that day...
The ceremony started by Amin-san deliver his thank you and appreciation note which has been prepared by Nisya-chan...
It was indeed a good speech and all of us thanks Nisya-chan for composing the speech...
At then end of Amin-san speech, we do presented a video made by Solleh-san...
The video is about our story and the journey in completing the course...
Then it being continued by OIC JICA, Uegaki-san...
After the speech end, its was a time when Uegeki-san read a brief speech to indicate that all 15 of us already completed the course and will be awarded with JICA OIC certificate...
It was just like a formal graduation ceremony...
After all of us have received the certificate, we immediately assemble ourself at the back of the room to prepare for our closing performance...
We opt to sing two song which the first one is Mirae by Kiroro and Balik Kampung by Sudirman...
We had practiced once in Solvita which quite hilarious since everybody didn't really had a good pitching...
However we do sung it from the bottom of our hearts...
It such a great feeling when they do appreciated the performance and did give us a standing ovation...

"Kenduri Sutun"

Please disregard the hands as we ladies don't take pictures during "Kenduri Sutun" *wink*

At night which was our last night in OKA, we're being blessed by our Amin-san a.k.a "Tok Ketua" by sponsoring big squid...
At first we thought to divide the portion among all of us but Amin-san decide to treat us...
Arigatou Amin-san...
So squid is being cooked by two of our chef, KP-san and Bushra-san...
We cooked it inside KP-san room...
Once all the dishes being cooked, we held "kenduri" at that room and for the guys they ate it at one of the guys room...
The dishes not only consist of squid but also all our unfinished ration that we bought it all the way from Malaysia...
Till this day, I can still remember how the dishes taste like and we never stop asking KP-san to cook squid for us again...

To be continued

P/s: Courtesy pictures to all my YLP-ICT batchmate. Arigatou! (Will update soon)

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