July 5, 2008


# 1

I'm in Shah Alam...
Just come back from my long long holidays...
In fact a long journey from Kuala Pilah...
Transit in UKM before depart to my temporary study heaven, Section 7...
Now logging in my blog...
To do my daily routine back....

# 2

One of my friend during diploma years is getting married...
And his kenduri=feast held in Ampang and Senawang...
Ampang for his wife side, Adliana or fond known as Yana...
Senawang is for his side, Amirul Akmar a.k.a Mai...
I'm not so close with him but get to know this guy through my ex-roomie, Umi and Ida
In fact, he did borrow my Discrete book...
So congrat's on ur B-day...
May both of you will stay together till eternity.....

# 3

This morning I was heading to my friend "Kenduri Kawin"
Suppose I need to wait for Ida & Tupai in Klang Bus Station...
But due to my fault or careless...
I drop my purse in Shah Alam...
So the drama begin...
Immediately after I notice that my purse isn't with me, directly call my cousin...
Luckily I left it in my tote bag...
So call Ida and told her that I will be late because of my "carelessness"
But the Ida come out with suggestion to pick me up from my house...
Lucky me again since my house near UNISEL and everybody know that place...

# 4

Just came back from my friend wedding...
It's nice to be able to meet my old friends...
Meet my diploma plus undergad buddies...
I envy with them since some of them have an establish career...
By my envy come with a prayer that one day I'll be like them...
Some still know me even we're not close at college...
But one of them still have a slip of tongue in saying my name n Ida name...
It happen that both of us have a same end of our name....
Then it remind me back on "AIDA" = Ahada + Khalida...
Miss all those time....

P/s: Thank to two lovely friends.... =)

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