April 14, 2008

Story that Touch My Heart…

I just finish read the new novel from JS…. Lili Buat Najah (LBN) really touches my heart… it reminds me back on how hard to accept losing of your loves ones…. Last year I shall called as year that test my mentally to the maximum limit… in one year I lost my three uncles that used to be closed with me especially my late Pak Long…. Till now whenever my families talk about him, I can’t stop my eyes from making the tears fall down… even sometimes, when I was alone I can’t stop myself to think about him…. He just like my own father… he gives me motivation to continue my study…. In truth, during last semester I did have thought in my mind to withdraw from my postgrad…. Lucky me cause I still have family that never failed support me all out….

This the same feeling that I had go through when I lost my late Wan… even from small I’m not raise by my grandma but as I grew up I sometimes consider my Wan as my own mum… but as the Almighty love her, she leave me when I was in form 2… in fact I had witnessed how she leaving us peacefully… there same goes to my beloved pet, Peekaboo… even he was just a pet to met, but he made my life different… not to mentioned daily routine but beyond that… until the day I want to leave for good to Langkawi, I also had a second thought to just continue my study around Penang Island… the reason just because I couldn’t leave my pet… when all the loves ones leaves us, it just like part of yourself also gone… even they have gone for more that 6 months, except from my late youngest uncle, Uda Amir, sometimes I did feel there are always with me and my families…

What make me writing this entry is that the way Kak Nazurah wrote LBN, it make me reminisce back all the feelings that I have been through in accept the fact that my loved ones already leaves me and live in another place that one day I and all other people would be there when the times comes…. Well done sis… at least as human being once in while we must bear in mind that everything that live today might end either tomorrow, next week, next month or next year… when the times comes, nothing much can be done except from all your goods deed that you have done along your life…

LBN really make me think that what will be in the future… especially how well we can cope when we lost of any of our loves one… hopefully I shall be strong as the character of Natasha as portray by Kak Nazurah… congrat’s sis for the nice yet touching story…..


khaty said...

mak aii...
so long story...
so lazy to read...
this is a poem for you..
so enjoy it..haha...

Ahada Aihara said...

poem yg spontan...
aku rasa la cite tue mmg sedey...