January 25, 2011

Thanks to Life is an Open Secret!

In regards with my previous entry, yet the mode is still on…
I really hope that it will go away once I can get a grip but it seems not to be like what I’m been wishing for…
Day by day, I keep losing my grip…
Only to Him I shall return too…
But thanks to Him by providing me with a bunch of breathtaking people…
They keep pushing me to stand still and face the reality with the strong courage…
Keep telling me that what I’ve been through, it’s just a tip of the ice…
More yet to come…
Absolutely with more challenges…
That like what Sis Zabrina said in her book, “Face Challenges with Zest!”
Yes, with ZEST!!!
In that entry, she relate closely with my favorite quote…
“So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, verily, with hardship, there is relief”
[Ash-Sharh 94: 5-6]

When reading this entry, I know that I just a normal human being…
Never ever will be a perfect person…
Like one of my senior colleague always said, 100% will never be our mark… since we only can achieved up to 99.9%... another 0.01% is belong to his Almighty Allah SWT…
Again, when thinking of it, my tears keep falling…
When thinking about silly mistake that I made during one of my office events make me lost my grip…
I have tried so hard to make it work but I reluctantly feel superior on His power that calls fate…
I forgot that if the fate say so, even I’ve try to do as many back up plans as I would usually do, it will be as what as He destined it to be…
As I have mentioned above, those lovely people always let me see the silver lining in every things that had happen to me…
So I just have to let a few people talk and do whatever pleases them
One day they will know how hard I’ve tried or maybe they will need to face whatever I’m been through!
I’m not a perfect person as what Hlovate’s had told in Versus (which it’s believe quoted from Old Joe’) that, “There’s always a room to reach perfection”
Which is also means that we can never be a PERFECT person but we can always try our best to reach as close to the PERFECTION level…
Now let bear in mind, that,


P/s: Please pray that I’ll always get a grip whenever difficulties circumstances caught me in… ^_^

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