December 1, 2009

My Silver Jubilee...

(Picture Credit: Google Image)
I’m turn into a silver jubilee today… alhamdullilah, I'm able to still breath the air... =)
It’s just a number for me…
However, due to several undisclosed reasons, somehow its does matter to me too…
Maybe it last for a short while…
I always like that but I know its does help somehow…
Thanks for people who convey their warm wishes…
Really be thankful for it… it somehow tells me that I’m not alone…
I still have a grip on my lovely families and wonderful friends…
Thanks for everything’s… =)

P/s: Yes, birthday normally will be associated to be older, indeed I do hope to be much wiser and more wonderful =), inysaAllah...


Azree Ariffin said...

Kak Ahada, selamat hari jadi!

Ahada Aihara said...

Azree, terima kasih atas ucapannya...