January 20, 2009

My Unique Equitation...

Financial Crisis + NGO & Financial Stability + MMVB'08~TV3 = Unlimited Workloads

The above title looked like an equitation right…
Suddenly I kind of miss my chemistry class during school lifetime…
Still remember during that time, all the substances inside “Jadual Berkala” are all at my fingers tip…
Miss the old times…
However, the reality is right in front of me…
Goodbye for all sciences and computing issues (for time being only =p)
Hope I can somehow go through all this new equitation with a triumph, insyaAllah….
Glad that our ABR supervisor seems to be interested in what we’re going to study….
So my CNY + mid term break will again be filled with all LR thingy plus with my four current subjects…
Currently it’s confirmed that Strategic Management and Global Business Issues have contributed to my holiday’s workloads…
Still finding the resources as well as new and additional info to support any theories or arguments….
Alhamdullilah my ear and finger is back at normal state…
Such relief can hear properly plus can use my finger without worrying that it would cause a serious bleeding again…
In fact, in my lab, there’s still a few blood stain in the floor…
I tried to wash it but seem the stain was very stubborn to be clear off…
Will try again tomorrow….

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