October 8, 2011

What Happen If We Do Answer Like This???

:: JAWAPAN Jika Ditanya Tentang Perkahwinan ::
Kenapa Lambat? = Kerana Allah tahu masa yang terbaik untukku.
Dah Berpunya? = Ya... Kerana setiap orang telah ditetapkan jodoh masing-masing.
Sape? = Nanti Allah akan diperkenalkan kepada semua.
Bila? = Bila kami sudah disatukan... InshaAllah jemput datang ke Walimatul urusku nanti... 

For me it just a perfect answer to satisfy people questions...
But I know, it quite bland to say this to the people older than us...
To be truth, it just a nice answer...
I like the part when... cause only He knows when the time is right and it's our calling...
Why I'm posting this entry because I do sick to answer people questions...
I know they care (mode: like I am a very lovable) but I just can't hold it anymore...
I'm just tired to answer it...
Maybe because the surrounding sometimes put a pressure...
After all, I'll try my best to make people comfort with my question...
Nonetheless, please pray the best for me...
I surrender my fate to Him, He know better...

P/s: Suddenly I wrote this after bump into a nice Q&A from one of my buddy FB wall... ;-)

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