September 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home.....

I like the phrase of Home Sweet Home, Where the Heart is….
100% agree with that…
It’s such a good feeling to be at home for past few days…
Such a relief when I was there…
To me going home is like to rejuvenate my spirit back…
It is something that I always felt when I was going back and forth since my diploma years up till these days…
Plus with the all family member are being together, it just like turning back to old times when we’re still in our younger age… (But I always feel young, ehehehee you at heart *wink*)
I miss my dad special “murtabak” and my mum “dates juice”
I wish I could be at my home much longer…
In fact, I can’t even pamper and play with my spoil Mochacino….
Even tough sometime when I was at my home, I tend to put off my work, but then when I finally at my study home, I will a tendency to get more idea and start to do my favorite thing, “gorengnology” hehehehhehe…
I guess maybe the spirit is being renewed and that why these scenarios happen to me…
Now start to be a usual busy-bee…
So till then, insyaAllah will update soon as this week will be a week that full of Iftar invitation….


Now in the middle of finishing my new JS novel entitled L.U.V.E…
This is a new novel for JS for September…
It’s being written by newly writer, Pingu Toha (what a unique name, first time heard I thought it has something to do with Penguin…. No offense)
At first I don’t really get it but as I move along the pages, I can feel Uthman Huzir problem…
He is a lonely guy despite the fact he’s always with people that love him…
Can’t wait to know the ending….

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