December 10, 2010

Maal Hijrah Stories…

I guess it’s not too late to wish all Muslim, Happy New Year for 1432 Hijri…
Since I was working in the environment that compulsory celebrated all big events that being marked in Hijri calendar, so I’ve been given an opportunity to join the national level celebration which held on 7th Dec 2010
This is my first time to join this celebration…
Before this, I’ll just sit in front of the television…
And yes, of course I was wearing exactly the same attire from head to toes…
It’s quite funny since I never worn the current-style-of-hijab that being provided by organizer…
At first I was thinking to wear what I comfortable but I canceled it since I’m scared if I’ll be questioned later…
So I’ll just wear what have been given to…
Subsequently I’m blessed since being given this opportunity in which find it was a good event to go despite the fact that during the children show, there’s some technical problem with the sound system…
In overall, it was a good and entertaining event… =)

The next day, on the 8th Dec 2010 I was in Parcel E since there’s a celebration on the ministry level…
This time our division become the main host which being help by other divisions as well...
Even it was a ministry level celebration; we need to give the best…
Alhamdullilah the event went well…

Finish on the Maal Hijrah celebration, there are more event to come…
Among of it will be my 2nd big boss farewell celebration in conjunction with his retirement…
After that, my division will hold our own innovation day…
Again, there will be no rest for me…
I’ll be mobile around the division…
Maybe I should declare December would be my almost busy month…
Forget about my plan to have a sweet gateway…
Forget about my plan to go and visit a friend…
It will just remain as my dreams only…
Last but not least, before I forgot I would like to wish a warmest birthday wishes to all December babies…
May all of you will have a splendid celebration…
To those who had wishes me thanks a lot for remembering my special days…
I didn’t celebrate it since I was away for my office trip…

P/s: May this new year will bring the best of everything, insyaAllah… hopefully all the dua’ and wishes will be granted by Him, insyaAllah… =)

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