July 8, 2009

1st Update from Kuantan.....

It hard to say goodbye than to say hello…
I experienced it in many situations…
But somehow, it very difficult for me so say goodbye to all 13 “Pegawai Tadbir Kontrak” or known among us as “PTK” in ICT Department in MOE…
It’s such a same feeling I felt when I already at the end of my both undergraduate and postgraduate days…
It’s hard for you to say goodbye or any words that carried similar meaning with it…
It’s not because you doesn’t like to move on or build up your career at new place, but it just a feeling for such attach bonding with people around you…
Yes, I’m very attaching to all the 13 people… if not all 13 of them but some of them whom really important to me when I decided to join MOE at the beginning of June 2009…
When I rewind back to my early days at MOE, I still can remember all the times when we're placed at the Ibnu Rusy and Ibnu Sina meeting room…
We’re there for 3 consecutive days before being placed to 8 available units under the ICT department…
I still can repeat back how we spend our entire boring days… up to the extend that we’re playing Bingo and even the “nama negeri” thingy…
In order to cover that we’re playing that kiddo games, we even invented some formula so that we can cover out mischievous activities…
Since we’re there without doing anything, most of us get to know each other in that particular room… in fact one of them said that if they (MOE) keep us maybe for a week or longer than that, we can already do a biography for all those PTK… what they likes, what no and hundred and one things that we can discussed on…
If I keep thinking about it, I will keep smiling… yeah… I miss all of them…
They light up my days in quiet surrounding of Putrajaya… besides my lovely cousin family...
I’m very happy since till today they still attach my email as one of the mailing list for those PTK… in fact they already have a new friend replacing my place…
Hope all of them will get permanent jobs as what I already got…
To all of you, you know who you are… thanks a lot…


So far my days here in Kuantan are good…
Those people were quite friendly and willing to help…
I try my best to reincarnate all the positive feeling that I got when I was still of one of those PTK…
Till now, I only required to teach 3 subjects… it from various fields… from management, finance and even marketing…
Currently I’m still doing an overall revision on those subjects since I have no teaching experience… hopefully all things will went accordingly…
What I’m sure, this job is 360 degree different with my previous job as PTK…
InsyaAllah next week I will start a lecture session since the BBA programme will only be started next week…


Shaira Nadiah MJ said...

You're going to start teaching? That's awesome Ahada, I wish you best of luck!

Ahada Aihara said...

Yes... I'll be start teaching too soon...
Thanks for the wishes... =)

Diya Nordin said...

Ahada dear,

Untuk kain pasang yang ahada tanya tu, depend dengan jenis material or kain yang ahada nak la. Bukan semua sutera.

Kalau nak yang ada bunga sulam tu, yang tu kena dry cleaning la. Baju konvo diya dulu diya ambil yang Bunga Timbul. Yang tu kena dry cleaning sbb nak jaga bunga dia.

Sample diya tak ada sbb ada kat kg.. uhu..

Ada lagi yang lain nak tengok, nak diya emailkan? Kalau nak diya emailkan boleh juga. Nanti email drop alamat email Ahada okay.