March 27, 2013

My 1st Baby Step

The above picture is my very 1st blog print screen…
Actually it has been quite a change from it first view…
I guess I do change the template more than 10 times…
During that time I was like avid fan of any blogs or even websites that provide free templates…
Main reason why I want to blog is that I want to brush up my language skills…
Besides I need to find some new hobby besides reading…
Guess what, writing is the closet one…
It just likes killing 2 birds with a stone…
In fact, I did meet a bunch of great sisters and good friends while I’m actively as a blogger…
However, things change now…
With lots of social networking pages available, I notice that somehow blog does lost it’s magic touch…
But I still love blogging as I’m already comfortable with it…
I know even FB have a feature like a blog where you can create an entry in the notes but still the feeling it’s different…
I know that my blog doesn't like it used to be…
Last time, with my 1st blog I do have a group of followers…
But now I know the purpose I blog not to get as many followers but I know that writing somehow is my thing…
I may not write a stories or even a book (cause I know how suck my “karangan” was back then) but I do love writing besides reading…
Reason I’m writing this is because I did stumble upon my old blog when I was browsing to one of my friend’s blog…
Been ages not even enter the admin side of…
The truth, I did forget the password too…
Alhamdulliah I managed to recover the password…
After managed to enter the admin side, I quickly copy all the entries which I've writing from 10th March 2004 till 18th September 2009…
I did register my 1st account in November 2003 but I just published my 1st post on March 2004…
Maybe I took a lot my courage to at last open the blog to public view…
What a memory…

 P/s: Hoping the spirit that was there can reappear again, inshaAllah =)

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