August 18, 2015

Exam oh Exam

(Pic Credit:

After the last exam in November 2012, I don’t have any exam to attend…
Except the one questionnaire that often needs to be done pre and post of most every course that I’ve attend…
So today like repeating the same feeling I’ve felt for last 3 years back…
The different the exam that I took was an order from our KSU to measure all the P&P’s English Proficiency…
This exam is like a benchmark either we need to attend a series of classes or not…
The exam is 100% done online and took place in Kirkby International College, nearby my office…
We (read: me, fellow colleagues and my boss) were send by our office driver, alhamdullilah…
No hassle on findings the parking and what’s not…
After few minutes of briefing by the lecturer, directly we’re asked to login and start to sit for the exam immediately…
The time given is 75 minutes…
To my surprise, I do finish it at the 35 minutes…
Another colleague of mine finishes his exam 1 minute after me…
As we turn around, it appears that only me and him seem to finish the exam quite early…
Immediately we leave the lab and waiting for my boss and another colleague…
Few minutes later another colleague of us came out…
So we just occupied the time by have a simple chat on various matters and the most funny things absolutely in regards with the exam…
How we tend to forget to seek an English word for “pupus”…
How the word extinction is seldom used but in the most important situation we do forgot about it…
Eventually we our boss is coming out and it turnout that she also have a same difficulties in findings a vocabulary…
At the end we do hope that we can score good marks not because we want to skip the class, its just we still a normal people who eager to have good grades…
That a nature of exam….

P/s: We had an opportunity to have a lunch with our boss and it’s a good session with the fellow colleagues of mine, alhamdullilah….

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