December 11, 2013

To Sum Up It All…

Come every December is a remembrance on how long I’ve been live in this world…
My biggest praise goes to the Almighty Allah SWT for His blessing towards me, alhamdullilah…
Thanks to my parent, siblings, families and friends who have been there for me through thick and thin…
Thanks for being understanding and flexible in every situation that I’ve been faced before…
Life as always is not like a bed of full blooming Roses…
Indeed, there are torn which been hiding in between it…
That what we called life…
Full of surprises…
Full of obstacles…
Full of stories…
Full of dramas…
Which conclude towards unconditional silver lining behind it…
At the end of the day, to be able to accept every life condition is a crucial part…


Lots of event took place since last August…
Been able to join Konvensyen Bidadari (KB) as a volunteer just unwind me from my routine activities…
Mingle with positive and young people just make me miss my study life to the max…
Unfortunately I can’t turn back the time like what Michael J. Fox done in Back to the Future series…
I can just remember how good it feels back then…


Just before the KB start, I just upon received an appreciation from my employer…
Alhamdullilah for all His gift and blessing…
Consider me as a newbie in the organisation; just make me overwhelmed by the reorganisation…
Congrat’s to all the receipents…
It such a big day for us…
Like mini convocation after years I did attend it…


Yesterday was indeed among a best day for me…
Again, the appreciation came…
Thanks to Him for giving all His blessing…
InshaAllah it will motivate me…
Indeed I was for me alone…
It comes with all the handworks and cooperation from the them who never failed to give the best out of everything…
Thanks to bosses and colleagues who never bored in lecturing/pestering/advicing & etc…
May Allah bless us all… =)

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