January 12, 2012

He’s There…

This morning when I was driving to work, there’s Sami Yusuf’s song entitled He Is There was on air…
The song was long time ago does attract me…
Until to the extend I do own his new album…
Somehow this song reminds me of Him…
How closet He with us, no matter in whatever conditions it takes…
And, remember, He will not burden not a person beyond his/her scope
Indeed it’s very true…

"So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs)."
Al-Insyirah, Verse 5&6

"La yukallifullah hu nafsan illa wus a'ha” 
Allah tidak akan membebankan hambaNya melainkan dengan kesanggupannya 
Al- Baqarah, Verse 286

P/s: This my second entry for year 2012... Alhamdullilah for His gift to be able yo breath the air for another year...

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