December 5, 2011

Days in Kuala Lumpur...

Alhamdullilah, KPIK’11 is over...
Such a relief...
Even though there are 1001 stories behind it but it’s over graciously...
Being part of the committee I have to make myself flexible as much as I could...
At first hour being a technical person and few hours later become a mediator for a token of appreciation session...
But that what we called as an EXPERIENCE...
Learn to accept whatever it takes...
Learn to be patience as well as adapt to a hectic situation...
Thanks for the colourful teams...
My great honour to be work with them...
Even at the end of the day there’s something went wrong due some technical which cause by others but everybody are cooperative to back up each others...
Such a good ‘Espirit de Corp’

Let’s glance into these below words...
Worth to be ponder...

Dari AIR kita belajar keTENANGan 
Dari BATU kita belajar keTEGARan 
Dari TANAH kita belajar keSEDERHANAan 
Dari PADI kita belajar RENDAH DIRI 
Dari KUPU-KUPU kita belajar MERUBAH DIRI 
Dari RASULULLAH kita belajar KASIH SAYANG dan keSABARan yang sempurna 

Melihat keATAS semangat untuk MAJU 
Melihat keBAWAH berSYUKUR atas semua yg ada 
Melihat keSAMPING semangat keBERSAMAan 
Melihat keBELAKANG sebagai PENGALAMAN berharga 
Melihat keDEPAN hidup lebih berMAKNA senantiasa mengharap redhaNya

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