June 23, 2008

Finance Finally....

At last I choose Finance as my major...
I know I need to work double or triple than other of friends....
I choose this major after I undergo few tough session...
Not to mention who and who...
But to all the people...
Thanks for the advice...
In matter of fact, I choose Finance since I'm not go in meeting people as well do sales...
So Finance...
Here I come...
Hope the Almighty will give me a clear heart to learn it...

June 17, 2008

Marketing or Finance?????

In dilemma right now...
Whether to choose either Marketing or Finance as my major...
A tough decision to make since both of area is not my favorable major...
This Friday will be the last day for me to decide....
For time being I already sign up for Finance class...
Not for the sake to follow my classmate but it's matter on how I look at most of the aspect...
Yet to be determined...
To those that already give me some insight on both area, million thanks....